
A high volume clinical laboratory based in Louisiana specializes in advanced PGx and Toxicology testing. The lab receives test samples from around the United States to process in their CLIA certified lab.


With testing so sophisticated and unique, the lab needed a better way to provide clean and easy to interpret reports to referring physicians or groups that could be customized by case types, as well as branded to specific groups. The former LIMS system the lab used, which was an in-house system, was not able to expand with their growing testing capabilities and couldn’t meet the lab’s needs. The lab’s previous LIMS system also required a sizable IT team to support the system.


The team selected Pathagility as their new LIMS provider in the summer of 2015. Pathagility, which is a customizable laboratory reporting solution built to adapt across any type of test, device or laboratory, has the flexibility to serve the lab as the LIMS or Interpretive Reporting Software – or both. In partnership with Pathagility, the lab had the new platform in place and fully implemented in just over 2 months.


The lab’s former in-house system was only able to analyze 50 tests across toxicology and PGx. With Pathagility, the lab is now able to analyze over 95 different tests – with the ability to analyze even more as the lab continues to expand testing.

The team is now able to format reports by any number of factors, including case types. Previously providing two separate reports to referring physicians and groups, Pathagility now allows the lab to create just one easy to interpret visual report. In addition, the team can now work alongside marketing to rapidly integrate unique logos and color for each group it serves for branding purposes.

Additionally, the lab’s administrators are able to track which staff member logged in to the Pathagility platform and are now able to track the actions of uniquely identified staff members with date and time stamps. Administrators can also monitor which actions were taken to create additional accountability and control across the lab for compliance purposes.

Download the entire case study to learn more about this high volume PGx lab and its results.

For more information on how your lab can prepare for tech advancements, check out these recent Pathagility resources:

How Top PGx Labs Are Utilizing Tech – And How to Keep Up

2016 Resolutions For the Advanced Laboratory

To learn more about how Pathagility can help your lab can keep up with the changing technology landscape, request a 30-minute demo.