Fast, Cost-Effective Interfacing

Today almost every pathology lab director has “interfacing” as a line item on their weekly staff meeting agenda.  As more referring physicians implement EMR systems and ramp up their meaningful use (MU) of these technologies to grab their piece of the Federal Government’s HITECH incentive dollars, the demand for LIS-to-EMR interfacing increases.  Check out a previous post describing the…

Are all healthcare SaaS platforms created equally?

We’ve already discussed the benefits of SaaS in healthcare especially those applications that provide opportunity for customization.  But are all SaaS platforms equal?  No…you guessed it… they certainly are not.  In choosing a SaaS platform in healthcare, there are several criteria that need to be examined.  The check list should including the following at a minimum: Redundancy –…

Partner with your competition

Just about every information source these days points to increased demands on the healthcare IT industry.  Many are hoping process efficiencies can be realized by further automating healthcare.  Others are focused on the government’s influence related to the adoption of EMR systems.  Still others are just doing some math… Cited from U.S. Census data: 303 million total Americans 17% are over…

Healthcare IT Collaboration – One State’s Approach

Pathagility had the opportunity this week to speak to a group of Arkansas business leaders from both the public and private sectors at the Innovate Arkansas Technology Showcase.  Innovate Arkansas works with new, technology-based entrepreneurs to turn inventions and high-tech concepts into viable businesses with a goal of creating high-paying Arkansas jobs.  Innovation in healthcare technology…

Increased EMR adoption rates and the impact on Laboratories.

ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) has $17,000,000,000 allocated to physicians to encourage the adoption of EMR technologies.  In order to be eligible for $44,000 in reimbursements, individual physician’s must do three things: 1. Adopt Certified EHR technology 2. Reach Meaningful Use Objectives 3.  Apply for Incentive Payment The carrot of stimulus incentives…