Should Pathologists Meet with Patients?

Should Pathologists Meet with Patients?  It’s an interesting question.  If you haven’t already, read this CAP Today article by Karen Titus about Melinda Lewis, MD called When pathologists meet patients—lessons from one FNA practice. Wow, this article may sway your opinion.  Here is a quick exert… “Emotionally, this can take a toll. “In the laboratory,…

How important is a Pathologist to Pathology Software?

How important is a Pathologist to Pathology Software? Certainly, we ask this question with a big smile on our faces because one of our Founders is a Pathologist.  Dr. Pat Walker is the Director of NephroPath and has a ton of experience in the field of pathology.  We are very lucky to have him on the team.  In fact, I’m pretty…

#’s in Healthcare IT

In such a short time, social media has become a part of our lives.  This morning, I saw Biz Stone on The Today Show discussing “2010’s Most Inflential Tweets.”   @’s and #’s are showing up everywhere!  In healthcare and healthcare IT, social media provides the conduit to build a more collaborative environment.  There are several initiatives popping up utilizing #’s…

Web-based Order Entry

Pathagility levels the playing field by giving you the same functionality as the national mega labs.  OrderPath delivers referring physicians a simple web-based order entry solution that can auto-populate patient demographic information (including insurance and billing information).  OrderPath can save referring physicians time by eliminating double entry of data that already exists in the PMS…


Speed – we recognize the importance of this attribute in so many areas of life.  Think about it…   It’s something we focus on daily at Pathagility.  How can we deliver value faster?  This is not as easy as it sounds because in our industry (other industries as well), there are so many moving parts – some of…

Is an interface necessary?

It can take many months and thousands of dollars to get a results only interface or bi-directional interface to “go live” from a lab system to an EMR (electronic medical records) or PMS (practice management system).  There are many factors that determine the development effort, length of time, and total price tag. “Is it worth…

Web Browsers and (Lab) System Design

In the recent CAP TODAY, there is a good article in the Newsbytes section called, The conundrum of shortcut keys for Web-based LIS. Being a SaaS product company in the diagnostic arena, we’ve experienced some of these issues while developing to different web browsers (Firefox, IE, Chrome,etc.)  So far, we’ve developed a nice balance of functionality…

Lab-to-EMR interface alternatives

Ever wonder why one EMR vendor charges $10+K and takes 1 year to implement a Lab-to-EMR interface and another EMR vendor charges $3K and takes 3 months?  You aren’t alone.  This is a common question in our industry.  With that said, everyone acknowledges the benefits of interfacing.  As mentioned in a previous post, pathology groups are…

EMR Adoption: The Real Cost of Connectivity.

Cost is always at the top of referring physicians’ list when adopting an EMR solution, and there is no shortage of pricing and package options in the EMR market. EMR adoption continues to rise, and connectivity or interfacing those systems falls next in line on the list of priorities for referring physicians. So when your…