Meaningful Use and Pathology Labs

You don’t have to look very far to find information, blog posts, tweets, etc. on EHR/EMR Meaningful Use (MU).  It seems a bit more difficult to find information on how this is affecting Pathology Labs.  We thought it might be helpful to start passing on information we come across on this topic.  Here is a link to start with… CAP…

Pathology Labs Need Marketing Help

Are you a pathologist, lab tech, clinician or a manager at a laboratory?  If so, what is your lab’s biggest differentiator?  If we took a poll you would find one common response – SERVICE.  Service level is where small to mid-sized path labs compete against the Mega labs.  This includes fast result turnaround,  comprehensive supply distribution, advanced customer service,…

6 Factors: Choosing LIS-to-EMR Partner

With the increase in EMR adoption, we’ve discussed in previous posts the importance of the pathology lab and the huge wave of LIS-to-EMR interfacing that is on the horizon.  As path labs embark on filling these needs, there will be important decisions to be made.  Do we hire IT expertise internally?  Or do we outsource?  If we outsource, what…

Impact of EMR adoption on the Pathology Lab

I’m a big fan of the folks at Dark Daily and got…hmmm how should I phrase this…FIRED UP when I read their most recent article called Sales of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Systems to Physicians Will Double By End of 2012.  Frankly, the article covers a perfect example of why we founded Pathagility.  The overarching theme of the article is…

Migration vs. Wholesale Replacement in the Lab

In working with pathology labs for the last several years, one common theme we hear related to their system environments is that work-arounds are a reality.  They continually look for ways to serve their referring physicians and healthcare partners better and with more efficiency by making investments in technology.  The issue that many are running into is that while they…

Waves of Disruption – Healthcare & Cloud Computing

I came across a great blog called Cloud Computing’s Stormy Future this morning by John Hagel III and John Seely Brown.  John and John are co-chairmen of the Deloitte LLP Center for the Edge, and have written several books focused on technology and innovation.  Their post talks about the disruptive potential of cloud computing and outlines four distinctive,…

Save your Lab’s Brand 2

In a previous post, we talked about one way a pathology lab can protect its brand – the lab report.  For a quick refresher, compare these two reports… If these reports represent two competing labs, what perceptions would you have for each based on these reports?  Now, with that point made, labs are not in…

Lab plays big role in EHR adoption

At least 70% of data in the EMR originates in the lab.  Several sources can be sited with this interesting statistic.  We see articles, blog posts, and tweets daily about how EHR adoption is increasing and going to continue to build steam.  I don’t believe you can overstate the importance of the lab in this tidal…

Path lab volume up – efficiency needed

The article Good News for Anatomic Pathology Laboratories: Tissue-Based Diagnostics Market Predicted to Double by 2016 published this morning by Dark Daily, is another indicator that the Anatomic Pathology market is going to see increased volumes.  Couple this with health care reform that may have an adverse affect on lab reimbursements, EFFICIENCY will be key in surviving and thriving during this…

Recent Digital Pathology Acquisition

A couple of weeks ago, it was announced  that Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (a member of the Roche Group) would acquire BioImagene for $100+ Million.  BioImagene is a leader in the field of digital pathology and workflow analysis.  Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to visit for a few minutes with some members of the BioImagene team including…